Friday, May 1, 2009

Coloring Queen

Well, Lily has gone and done it again! Not only did she win the credit union's Easter coloring contest last month... to the tune of $20 in her savings account, but she just won the Once Upon a Child coloring contest too! $25!! I'm not sure if it's cash or if we have to spend it there, but either way it's awesome!
Here I was preparing her that, "now you might not win this one and you can't win 'em all," and she went and did it again!

WTG Lily!


Raines Inc said...

way to go girl!! Allie colored hers but I never did turn it in! Oh well

Amy @ FitMommas said...

Way to go, indeed!

jodi said...

awesome! I didn't know you had a blog, just noticed it on Amy L's page. Congrats Lily, that's great!

Sarah said...

Yeah Jodi- mine is pretty crappy, but I'm trying to jump on the bandwagon.